Thursday, October 3, 2013

What I'm Loving

Recently, when asked to state three things about myself for our teacher profiles at the yoga studio, I immediately knew one of my three.

Eve: Unafraid to love BIG.  And share it.

Here's what I've been loving lately...

Working outside at Starbucks, pumpkin coffee in hand.

This excerpt from Momastery.  I keep reading it. Over and Over.

"Be Still in your garden and trust that you don’t need to decide what is good in your life and what is bad. You can stop striving for good and resisting bad and instead – surrender to all of it. You can stop judging your circumstances and your life and your people. Striving for good and resisting bad is the source of all of our worry, all of our stress. All our problems stem from our refusal to surrender to what IS. To what life is and who people are. Let it be. Let it come, whatever it is. Breathe deeply and know that if you let it come and feel it all – it won’t kill you. It will pass away soon enough and leave you better, kinder, softer, and stronger. Let the brutal make you even more beautiful." ~Glennon Melton Doyle

Game Days with my boys and our friends.  Go Dawgs!

Baking pumpkin muffins for our ADULT-ONLY mountain trip with two other couples.  I. Can't. Wait!

Sweet snuggles before bedtime. 

Cozy fires in the evening.

This belly bump.  Only a few more weeks until we meet Maddi!

My yoga practice.  It's organic ---sometimes at the studio, with girlfriends on the canal, outside on my patio, with a podcast, alone with my breath, or mind racing with thoughts.  But, it's mine.  And I love it. 

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