Monday, February 17, 2014

Bringing Back the Good Memories

I feel a little silly posting this after the crazy weather we just had, but our snow day, a few weeks ago, was so much fun and definitely something I want to remember.

Here are the pictures to prove that winter weather can indeed be enjoyable.  Just don't come again anytime soon, okay?

We had a snow dance party the night before.

Breaking it down with Dad.

The next morning we woke up to 1 - 2 inches of white, powdery snow.  These two couldn't wait to get outside.

Just a little side note: the entire day Wills associated the snow with Santa.  He continuously, in an excited little voice would say "Santa comes tonight!"  Luckily, he forgot.  William and I were a little worried.

At one point I leaned in and asked for a kiss.

And got a face full of snow.

Seriously, Wills?  He thought it was hilarious.  So did his dad. :)

Happy Snow Day.

"All good things must come to an end. " ~Chaucer  

Which brings us to the ice...

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